- Can I change items from my order after order has been processed?
Once the order has been placed, you cannot change the items in your order. However, if you wish, you can cancel your existing order within 24 hrs after ordering.
- Can I return an item if I am not satisfied with it?
Certainly as long as your item qualifies for a return. Click here to checkout our return policy. If your item qualifies for a return, you can view the return steps on this page here
- I received the wrong / damaged / incomplete item, what should I do?
If you received wrong / damaged / incomplete item, please don’t unpack or use it. Please inform us immediately at or call us at +975 2 337885.
- What is Bio Bhutan’s cancellation policy?
Before cancelling an order, please read and understand the following terms & conditions:
- The item(s) you want to cancel is not shipped yet.
- Cancelled order cannot be recovered on our system.
- You can cancel an item or several items in your order.
- Any vouchers, discounts, or promotions applied to the order cannot be reused.
- The remaining order’s value after you canceled one or several items has to fulfill the same conditions for discount, promotions, or minimum basket fee exemption applied to the order. If not, your order will be canceled. Price is subject to change depending on Bio Bhutan’s promotion programs.
- We do not commit to offering the same price if you re-order.
- Is there an extra cost for order cancellation?
No. However, if after you canceled one or several items in your order, the remaining order’s value does not match our conditions for discount, promotions or free shipping charge, Bio Bhutan will cancel the whole order.
You can re-order the item(s) you want again.
- How do I know if my cancellation request was accepted?
You will be notified via email and a phone call.